Mommy Makeover Before After This patient earned her mommy makeover. After having several children, she underwent 360 liposuction with full abdominoplasty. After healing from that procedure, Dr. Shah performed breast implant with lift surgery. For this case also, he used mesh to support the breast pocket creating long lasting results
Mommy Makeover Gallery
Mommy Makeover Before After The patient was a 54 year-old mother who was unhappy with saggy, large breasts and fullness and loose skin of her abdomen after multiple pregnancies. There was significant asymmetry in the breasts. Dr. Samir Shah performed two surgeries to give her the look she desired. The first surgery was a bilateral… Read More
Mommy Makeover Gallery
Mommy Makeover Before After This 56 year-old mother previously had c-section surgery and wanted to regain her pre-pregnancy look. She opted for 2 surgeries with the first surgery being breast augmentation. She desired fuller, larger breasts and 325cc Mentor MemoryGel Smooth Round Moderate Profile Silicone implants were used. The second surgery was Abdominoplasty with liposuction… Read More
Mommy Makeover Gallery
Mommy Makeover Before After This 44 year-old female patient previously had gastric sleeve surgery leaving her with loss of volume to her breasts and sagging skin to her face and body. Two surgeries were performed. Her breasts were too large for her frame causing shoulder, neck/back pain which restricted her from her usual activities. A… Read More
Mommy Makeover Gallery
Mommy Makeover Before After This is a 39 year old woman that desired to have a full mommy makeover. She was unhappy with her stomach area and wanted to restore volume in her breasts. Dr. Shah had suggested doing liposuction of the abdomen area and breast augmentation. Three months post surgery, our patient is very… Read More
Mommy Makeover Gallery
Mommy Makeover Before After This is a 49 year old lady who desired a cosmetic procedure that would help return her body to its prepregnancy shape. To achieve this look, Dr. Shah performed an abdominoplasty to eliminate the muffin top, breast lift and breast augmentation, to help return her previous youthful shape – along with… Read More
Mommy Makeover Gallery
Mommy Makeover Before After This 38 year-old mother had and tummy tuck and a breast lift which improved her figure and gave her the perky breasts she desired.
Mommy Makeover Gallery
Mommy Makeover Before After This 37 year-old mother couldn’t wait to get her body back to the way it was before children. After pregnancy, many women notice excess fat and skin around their midsection that is hard to remove by diet and exercise. This mother underwent a tummy tuck with liposuction and a breast augmentation… Read More
Mommy Makeover Gallery
Mommy Makeover Before After This 40 year-old mother had noticed laxity of her breasts and midsection after having children. She underwent a breast lift and tummy tuck to feel more confident again.
Mommy Makeover Gallery
Mommy Makeover Before After This 35 year-old mother of two was unhappy with her body post pregnancy. She decided it was time for her “mommy makeover”. This patient had a tummy tuck and a breast lift with implants which improved her figure and gave her the perky breasts she desired.
